Sunday 4 September 2016

I am a proud BOOKWORM.

For as long as I can remember I have loved books – my idea of a perfect evening or some ‘me’ time was a big bag of chips and a good book. I remember when my parents were grocery shopping I’d sit in the book aisle and read and pray my parents would take loonggg.

I started with Sweet Valley (short stories about twins Elizabeth and Jessica if I remember correctly), books by Enid Blyton, risking sleepless nights by reading Goosebumps to Christopher Pike and of course Archie comics.

I remember my mom had Agatha Christie and Sidney Sheldon novels and I was instructed not to read them until I was 18, and that was precisely why I read them before I turned 18. Thus turning another chapter, ditching my prior novels for some yet more thrilling ones.

I read everything! Books, novels, magazines. My break from studies would be reading novels until I was told that the point of the break was to rest my eyes. I read everywhere too, kitchen, car, bedroom, between classes and the place where I loved reading the most was my bathroom. I now proudly say I maintained a tiny library in there. Few years down the road I found out that all smart people did this. How cool am I exactly? (Perhaps a little self-obsessed).

I then grew up and moved to risqué books – my feudal lord, Princess of Arabia, Blasphemy and the likes. I may not agree with whatever I read but I did it nonetheless.

…and the world grew up, books were replaced by tablets and kindles – and for me reading them was just not the same. I missed books, the ability to feel and touch and umm smell fresh books and hence I moved on to T.V series.
     Currently reading - The Bastard of Istanbul

I always need something that stays; permanency for me is a must! My commitment is such that either I give a 100% or 0%. There is no middle ground for me guys!

Buttttttt last week after spending an hour and 45 mins at the book shop I got myself 4 books. Not ebooks, pdfs, epubs but good ol’ reliable books – won’t die on you, leave you and will always be there! So excited that I decided to blog about it, trust me that’s gotta count for something right?

I got Something Borrowed, Bastard of Istanbul, The Stars Shine Down and The Princess of Burundi…and now you know what is keeping me busy.

Catch ya laters people! And feel free to hit me up with any suggestions that you might have.


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